Western Naval cOMMAND


The Western Naval Command (WNC) was established in 1969 with its headquarters in Apapa. It is the premier Command and indeed the first operational Command of the Nigerian Navy.

  1. The Command’s Maritime Area of Responsibility (AOR) covers Lagos, Ogun, Oyo and Ondo state and it stretches from the border with the Republic of Benin to an area before Benin River entrance, which is the boundary with the newly created Central Naval Command (CNC). The Command now has a coastline of about 154nm and extends southerly to the outer limit of the 200nm Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
  2. The Western Naval Command AOR is of immense importance to Nigeria’s economic well-being. This is because most of the Nation’s Maritime Assets, such as major seaports, like Apapa and Tincan Ports are located therein. The nation’s principal Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOC) for export and import trades traverse through these major seaports.
  3. The Western Naval Command is responsible among others for executing NN statutory roles within her AOR such as:
  4.         Seaward defence of Nigeria’s maritime territory.
  5. Prevention of all illegal activities like piracy, sea robbery, illegal bunkering, crude oil theft, smuggling, poaching, trafficking in arms, humans and drugs and dumping of toxic wastes. 
  6. Ensuring safety of shipping, economic and research activities.
  7. Conducting Search and Rescue [SAR] operations as well as Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) and Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC).
  8. Providing adequate sealift and naval gunfire support in joint operations.
  9. Assisting in enforcing customs and immigration laws.
  10. Conducting flag showing visits to friendly countries in support of Nigeria’s foreign policy objectives.
  11. In order to effectively perform these roles, the Command is organized into the Command Headquarters, Western Fleet, Operational Bases, Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) and welfare units.
  12. Command Headquarters. At the Command Headquarters, the Flag Officer Commanding exercises Operational command over units in the command’s Area of Responsibility. He also implements policies in accordance with Naval Headquarters directives.
  13. Western Fleet. The Western Fleet is made up of the Fleet Headquarters from where the Fleet Commander exercises operational control of the fleet. The Fleet Commander is responsible to the Flag Officer Commanding for the operations and day-to-day administration of the ships. The Western Fleet is commanded by Rear Admiral AO Ogunleye
  14. Operational Bases. There are 2 operational bases in the Command. These are NNS BEECROFT and the Naval Air Base, Ojo. NNS BEECROFT is the oldest NN Base and it is located here in Apapa. It forms the main Harbour Defence Group (HDG) of the WNC and has 2 Forward Operating Bases at Igbokoda, Ondo State and Badagry, Lagos State. The FOBs were established to shorten the reaction time, thus increasing Time-on-Task (TOT) of ships deployed for policing duties. While, Naval Air Base is located in Navy Town, Ojo and provides aerial support, search and rescue, VIP movement and acts as a force multiplier for Nigerian Navy operations.
  15. Welfare Units. The Welfare Units of the Command comprise of units and establishments that cater for the accommodation, medical and educational needs of NN personnel and their families. The welfare units are:  
  16. Nigerian Navy Ship WEY for (Barracks Administration/ Maintenance).
  17. Nigerian Navy Reference Hospital, Ojo.
  18. Obisesan Naval Medical Center, Mobil Road here in Apapa.
  19. Sickbays at NNS BEECROFT and FOB Igbokoda.
  20. Nigerian Navy Secondary Schools at Ojo, Abeokuta, Imeri and Ogbomosho.
  21. As well as Nigerian Navy Primary Schools Ojo, Mobil Road Apapa and Okokomaiko.


  1. The Western Naval Command provides security for shipping and petroleum products pipelines in its Area of responsibilities. The operational ships being deployed for patrols by the Command have contributed positively to the Command’s policing efforts. It is pertinent to note that at any time, at least one capital ship from the command is at sea to show presence and for patrols. Some of these ships include NNS UNITY, CENTENARY, OKPABANA, EKUN, OHUE AND BARAMA. Other patrol crafts are NNS KARADUWA, NGURU, EKULU, CALABAR, ONITSHA, KANO, ABA among others. 

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