Rear Admiral Saheed Adeshina Akinwande was born on 10th of April 1971 in Lagos Island, Lagos State. His parents are Mr Lateef Ajani Akinwande and Late Mrs Olabisi Akinwande from Agege, Lagos State. He attended Ikeja Primary School, Ikeja, Lagos State from 1975 to 1981. Thereafter, he attended Ikeja High School, Ikeja, Lagos State from 1982 to 1987. He commenced his military career on 10th September 1988, as a member of 40th Regular Course of the Nigerian Defence Academy and He was commissioned in the rank of Sub Lieutenant on 10th September 1993.

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  1. The Eastern Naval Command (ENC) was established in 1971, with the Headquarters at Calabar. The Command is one of the 3 operations commands of the Nigerian Navy tasked with carrying out the Nigerian Navy’s statutory roles and other assigned duties both at peace and in war. Its Area of Responsibility stretches from Longitude 007o 20E to Longitude 008o 30’ 44”E. the Command has a coastline of about 110 nautical miles with 200 nautical miles Exclusive Economic Zone which extends into the Joint Development Zone with Equatorial Guinea and Sao Tome and Principe.
  2. The Command’s sea AOR is about 22,000 square nm. Its sea area is host to several national economic assets which include 12 crude oil loading terminals, about 500 oil fields, 6 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plants and 2 refineries. The area is also host to 3 major seaports, a rich fishery field and various industrial complexes lying across 9 major rivers interspersed with over 5,000 creeks and estuaries. On land, the ENC AOR covers 16 states from Rivers, Akwa Ibom and Cross River upward to Bauchi, Yobe and Borno States, including the Lake Chad. The ENC is strategically poised to protect national security and economic interests in its AOR
  3. The Command has the following units under its jurisdiction:
  4. NNS VICTORY, an operations base at Calabar.
  5. NNS PATHFINDER, an operations base at Port Harcourt.
  6. NNS JUBILEE, an operations base at Ikot Abasi.
  7. Eastern Fleet Headquarters at Calabar.
  8. Forward Operations Bases BONNY and IBAKA in Rivers and Akwa Ibom States respectively.
  9. Naval Outpost IKURU.
  10. Nigerian Navy Reference Hospital at Calabar.
  11. Naval Medical Centre Borikiri, Port Harcourt.
  12. Nigerian Navy Secondary Schools at Calabar and Port Harcourt.
  13. Barracks Maintenance Units at Calabar and Port Harcourt.
  14. and Naval Flying Unit Port Harcourt.


  1. The statutory responsibilities assigned to the NN which are aimed at achieving our national defence objectives are categorized into 3 broad spheres of military, diplomatic and policing roles:
  2. Military Role. Military role of the ENC is primarily the seaward defence of the south eastern flank of the nation stretching from the Bight of Benin and encompassing the Gulf of Guinea up to the limits of our EEZ. This enormous task is achieved by adopting the concept of Sea Control (sea use and sea denial) within the ENC AOR. Prominent elements of sea control adopted in the successful conduct of NN Military Role in the ENC AOR are:

(1)     Deterrence which is achieved by sustained presence at sea.

(2)     Sea Blockade.

(3)     Amphibious operations.

(4)     Naval gunfire support and shore bombardment.

(5)     Aggressive inshore and offshore patrols.

(6)     Integrated logistics supplies and re-supplies.

(7)     Strategic sealift operations.

  1. Diplomatic Role.NN diplomatic role in the ENC AOR is a function of manipulation from a position of strength and prestige. This is achieved by forward presence as demonstrated by the presence of the FOBs; and flag showing visits as directed by NHQ from time to time. The ENC is also the primary point of contact for Cameroun, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe and Gabon. Immense economic activities and human traffic between Nigeria and these countries engender diplomatic and security issues that must be managed well.
  2. Policing Role.The policing role of the ENC within its AOR encompasses the following: 

(1)     Coordinated information gathering.

(2)     Prevention of illegal bunkering, pipeline vandalism and other forms of illegalities in the production and distribution of petroleum products.

(3)     Prevention of smuggling at sea.

(4)     Anti-piracy and sea robbery patrol.

(5)     Fisheries protection patrol.

(6)     Immigration and drug control patrol.

(7)     Anti-pollution patrol and environmental protection.

(8)     Control of marine research.

(9)     Search and Rescue operations.


  1. The operational activities of the Command include maintaining presence at sea, anti-smuggling, anti-sea robbery/piracy, anti-fishery patrol and anti–illegal bunkering. Others are, escort duties, RMAC surveillance, Falcon Eye (FE) and joint operations.  These are discussed in details:
  2. Anti-Smuggling.Anti-smuggling operations are carried out within ENC AOR in fulfillment of NN constitutional role to police the nation’s territorial waters. In the ENC, most smuggling activities occur in Calabar and Akwa Ibom State waters sharing international maritime boundaries with the Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Sao Tome. It is worth noting that this area serves as a major hub for smuggling in the ENC AOR. Hence, NNS VICTORY and FOB IBAKA mostly conduct anti-smuggling operations to curtail such activity through which sub-standard goods are smuggled into the country. This invariably affects the positive growth of local industries producing goods that have been banned from importation by the Federal Government of Nigeria. The anti-smuggling efforts of the Command have recorded a huge success leading to the drastic reduction of smuggled goods into the country. The Command has contributed immensely to support the efforts of the Federal Government towards rice production in Nigeria
  3. Anti-Illegal Bunkering/Refineries Operations. Anti-Illegal bunkering /refineries operations are one of the main operational thrust of the ENC. The operational concepts of fixed station patrol and choke point control to stem the tide of COT, illegal bunkering, illegal refinery and pipeline vandalism is yielding results. The approach ensures substantial increased presence. Additionally, the deployment of Manta boats, Modant Marine and Epenal boats has greatly contributed to the realization of this objective. Reduction in oil theft and illegal refineries in the ENC AOR is a testimony to the successes achieved so far
  4. Escort Duties. Units under command are involved in providing security in form of escort and static guard duties to international oil companies and their subsidiaries. Collaboration with the PMSCs that provide security to installations and sustained escorts has enhanced security in the AOR. All PMSCs boats operating in the ENC have installed HF radio sets for a common anti-piracy reporting net as well as AIS equipment. Coordination of efforts to respond to threats or attacks has been enhanced.  There are 22 PMSCs operating within ENC AOR. Naval convoy escorts of ferry boats is also maintained for Calabar, Opobo, Bonny, and Port Harcourt River Channels with the PMSCs. 
  5. Joint Operations. Units in the Command are involved in various joint operations such as Op DELTA SAFE, SKOLOMBO, THUNDER and SPARK. NNS VICTORY for instance provides naval components for Op SKOLOMBO in Cross River State, NNS JUBILEE and FOB IBAKA provides for Op THUNDER in Akwa Ibom while NNS PATHFINDER provides for Op SPARK in Rivers State. Meanwhile, all bases within ENC AOR are components of Op DELTA SAFE. The impact of the operations has resulted in the decline in crude oil theft, pipeline vandalism, illegal bunkering and by extension enhanced security within the states in realisation of the Key Priorities of the CNS Strategic Directive – 2.
  6. Surveillance Capabilities. The Command employs both the RMAC and Falcon Eye facilities to monitor shipping movement. This has become a veritable source of information as it is used to vector NN vessels to investigate suspected contacts. It has also been used for tracking pirate mother vessels and vessels suspected to be involved in illegalities. Apart from the Display Centres at Calabar, there are Sensor Sites at Ibaka, Bonny and Iko.



  1. The Headquarters Eastern Fleet (HQ EF) is responsible for maintaining adequate presence at sea for effective maritime security of the Eastern Naval Command (ENC) Area of Responsibility (AOR) Maritime Domain (MD). To achieve this, the HQ EF ensures that one capital ship in the Fleet is at sea daily to ensure effective monitoring of the ENC AOR MD.
  2. The ENC AOR lies from Longitude 0070 20’E to Nigeria’s maritime boundaries with Cameroun, Equatorial Guinea and Sao Tome and Principe, extending seawards up to 350 nautical miles. The activities of the Fleet are guided by the CNS Strategic Directives and other SOPs of the NN.
  3. The HQ EF is currently accommodated at one of the old inherited colonial buildings located at the NNS VICTORY Jetty, Marina Road Calabar. Pictures of the Building are attached at Enclosure 1. Although, HQ EF is domiciled in Calabar, some of the platforms in the Fleet are based in Port Harcourt and some in Calabar for ease of deploying them for patrol. Currently, there are 16 platforms comprising 8 capital ships and 8 Fast Patrol craft in the Fleet.


  1. NNS PATHFINDER is a Type “A” operation Base established in 1986 to enhance operations of the NN in securing Nigeria’s maritime domain. The Base was relocated from NNS AKASO, Borikiri to its present location erstwhile known as Horicon Base and subsequently commissioned as NNS OKEMINI in 1987. The Base, which was later renamed NNS PATHFINDER in May 2003, occupies a land area measuring about 180 hectares within Rumuolumeni Community in Ikwerre Clan of Rivers State.  The location of the Base is strategic because most Federal Government critical infrastructures, multinational oil companies and other maritime assets that contribute immensely to the economy of the nation are in NNS PATHFINDER Area of Operations (AOO) within the Niger Delta Region. Units tender to NNS PATHFINDER include:

(a).     Nigerian Navy Primary School PATHFINDER.

(b).     Navy Medical Centre PATHFINDER


  1. NNPS PATHFINDER was established on 3 Oct 90 to address the educational needs of children and wards of NN personnel through provision of quality basic education. Since inception, the school has graduated several sets of pupils in flying colours and remained competitive in academic and sporting activities both within and outside host community. The school also offers admission to the civilians and members of the sister services who desire to pursue their basic education in a conducive learning environment. The school is a unit tender to NNS PATHFINDER and the Commander is the chairman of the School Management Board (SMB) which is the apex decision making organ of the school.


  1. The Medical Centre is a 19-bed health facility that provides mainly primary health care services. Overtime, it has also provided some secondary health care as part of its services. It was established as a Sickbay in the year 1992 to cater for the Healthcare needs of NN personnel and their families within and around the Base. Over the years, the scope of its responsibilities increased as it extended her services to military retirees, MOD staff as well as host community. The Sickbay was subsequently reconstructed and re-commissioned in Dec 2018 and renamed NMC PATHFINDER.


  1. FOB BONNY was established in Dec 05 to protect strategic oil and gas installations while securing the creeks, inland waterways and their approaches up to the limits of Nigeria’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The Base’s AOO lies between Lat 040 32’ N to the seaward boundary of the EEZ and Long 0060 40. 2’E to 0070 20’E, covering a total distance of about 48nm2. They are numerous critical national infrastructures in the Base AOO. These include Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) and Mobil Bonny River Terminal (BRT), as well as several other government and private installations. The Base conducts several operational activities to ensure the safety and security of these national infrastructures. These operational activities include maritime patrols, static deployments and internal security. Others are intelligence-led joint operations for specific operational and tactical significance targets.


  1. The Nigerian Navy Ship (NNS) VICTORY, formally known as NNS ANASA was established in 1974 as one of the Type-A Operations Bases of the NN to increase naval presence in the nation’s eastern maritime boundary. The Base’s Area of Operations (AOO) lies between the borders of Cross River and Akwa Ibom States to the west and the Republic of Cameroon to the East. It extends from Long 0080 20’E to Long 0080 25’E in the south and expands northward to Long 0080 10’E and Long 0080 45’E. The Base AOO covers numerous creeks, several fishing ports and local jetties used for commercial purposes.
  2. NNS VICTORY is tasked with the policing role of the NN, anti-piracy/anti- sea robbery operations and aid to civil authority. Consequently, the base is saddled with the operational responsibility of protecting and securing the inland waterways of Calabar along with her adjoining creeks, while also supporting operations at sea up to the limit of the nation’s EEZ. Others include internal security operations, anti-smuggling operations, and anti-illegal oil bunkering operations, anti O piracy/sea robbery operations, clearance operations, as well as Search and Rescue operations (SAR). In line with the CNS Strategic Directive 2023-6 on eradication of Crude Oil Theft (COT) and illegal refining activities, the base conducts maritime patrols. The patrols include security patrols as well as Anti-Crude Oil Theft/Illegal Bunkering Patrols. As part of its efforts to provide Aid to Civil Authority, the Base has been an active participant in the Cross-River State internal security outfit and quick response squad codenamed ‘OPERATION AKPAKWU’. NNS VICTORY as part of her civil military relationship ensures that the cordial relationship the base shares with the State Government, the host community and the entire people of Cross River state is ensured.


  1. NNRH Calabar commenced operation on 30 Jul 18 following its commissioning by the President Commander -in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on 26 Jun 18. In line with the vision and mission of the CNS, the Vision Statement of the hospital is to be a model of excellence for health service delivery while its Mission Statement is to deliver comprehensive and quality medical services by sustaining the most excellent multi-specialty practice. The infrastructure of the hospital is excellent with most departments provided with modern equipment that has enhanced its capacity to meet the healthcare needs of the naval community in Calabar. The NN entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) to complement the infrastructure and equipment of NNRH Calabar. The objective of the MOU was to take advantage of the abundant specialist manpower of the teaching hospital to enhance the capacity of the NNRH Calabar to render tertiary service and carry out research.
  2. Leveraging on the infrastructure, equipment and manpower, Clinical activities have been expanded and the Hospital is living up to expectation in provision of medical cover for NN operations and healthcare delivery to personnel and their families. The Hospital is playing a pivotal role in the Navy’s corporate social responsibility having become a bastion of healthcare delivery in Calabar, for the benefit of the residents.
  3. NNRH Calabar is a 100 bedded space facility which provides services at primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare levels. The major clinical services in the Hospital are the Outpatient services, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics including Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU), Ophthalmology, Physiotherapy and Dental services. Others include Radiology, Medical Laboratory, Public Health and Immunization, Pharmacy, HIV Management, Tuberculosis and related services. The Hospital has a wide range of medical and non-medical equipment in its inventory to sustain operational efficiency of the services. NNRH Calabar has also gone a step further by procuring additional medical equipment to supplement the already existing ones.


  1. The Barracks Maintenance Unit (BMU), Calabar was established in 2013 vide NNO/13/13 dated 23 March 2013 and became operational on 27 October 2015. The Unit is tasked with maintenance of accommodation and other infrastructural facilities as well as the security of personnel and properties within the barracks. Other responsibilities of the Unit include ensuring general environmental hygiene, horticultural control, maintenance of tranquility and discipline within the barracks.
  1. The Unit’s Area of administration (AOA) include:
  2. The 1006 Officers’ Quarters at Diamond Hill which provide accommodation on transit and permanent basis to all categories of Officers.
  3. Naval Officers’ Quarters at Ikot-Ansa contains a 6 x 3-bedroom flats (permanent accommodation) and 24 x one bedroom studio flats (transit accommodation) for officers.
  4. Officers/Ratings Quarters at Atimbo along Calabar-Ikang Road in Akpabuyo Local Government Area of Cross-River State and it is the largest and most populous barracks, in Calabar area. The Barracks houses the Institutional houses for the Comds of NNS VICTORY, NNRH Calabar and FSG (E). There is also NOWA Secretariat, NOWA Secondary School and a Gymnasium within the Barracks.
  5. Ratings Barracks at Akim is located along IBB Way, near UJ Esuene Stadium, Calabar. It has 7 blocks of 2 storey buildings that provide transit and permanent accommodation for ratings as well as their wards.


  1. The Nigerian Navy Secondary School Calabar is located at Ikot Offiong Ambai Village along the Calabar Ikang Highway in Akpabuyo LGA of Cross River state. It is about 15km from the UJ Esuene Stadium in Calabar. The school was originally planned as a state model Secondary School until it was handed over to the Nigerian Navy in May 1999 by the Cross River State Government headed by Navy captain C Osondu the then Military Administrator. The School did not start that year due to logistics and financial challenges. Consequently, the school premises were left idle for 6 years during which the facilities were degraded due to natural wear and tear as well as alleged vandalism.
  2. The then Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral GTA Adekeye decided to start the school and appointed the pioneer Commandant, Navy Captain A Kpour in October 2005. Thereafter, the facilities were renovated in preparation for take – off and the school was Commissioned on Friday 4 August 2006 by the then Governor of Cross River Mr. Donald Duke. The first student, Miss Olarunjuedalo Folami, was admitted at 0830 on Sunday 26 September 2006 and the School commenced with 100 students.


  1. The Nigerian Navy Primary School (NNPS) Calabar was established on
    the 16 Feb 87 with the promulgation of ENCTM 09/87 by the then Flag Officer Commanding (FOC) Commodore SO Aluko. The School is part of the Naval authority deliberate effort to fulfil the welfare requirement of her personnel by providing a welfare school that is non-profitable in operation and status.
  2. The School operation and establishment was back-up by the Cross River State Edict No. 5 part IV section 12 of 1975. There were the 127 pioneering pupils drawn from the Navy and host community. The School produce her first graduates in 1991.



  1. Naval Officers’ Wives Association Secondary School (NOWASS) Calabar was commissioned on 8 May 2015 while academic activities commenced on 28 September 2015 with a total of 47 pioneer students in JSS 1 and JSS 2 as well as 17 teaching and non-teaching Staff. The school, which is located in the Nigerian Navy Barracks Atimbo Calabar, was established to provide secondary education for the children/wards of personnel and civilians in Calabar area and its environs. Since inception the School has provided quality education to its students and has made remarkable achievements within the short period of its establishment.


  1. The NOWA Daycare Nursery and Primary School Calabar is located at Ikot Ansa community of Calabar Municipality, Cross River State. It lies on the edge of Navy officers’ quarters which also accommodates Navy Primary School. The school was commissioned in November 29th, 1997 by Her Excellency, Mrs. Maryam Sani Abacha.
  2. The school started with 2 teachers, 2 caregivers, 7 pupils, 1 gardener, and one security personnel in a single block with Mrs. Florence Bisong as the then Head Teacher. Since then, the school has been progressing and improving numerically with good academic performance of the learners with the help of effective management and teachers. Currently, the school has grown to having 3 Blocks with diverse conducive class rooms in them.


  1. NNS JUBILEE was established in July 2010 as a Type A Operations Base. The Base is saddled with the responsibility of carrying out NN constitutional roles including the renewed fight against COT, illegal bunkering, piracy and sea robbery. To facilitate the performance of these roles, the Base is equipped with some patrol boats. However, lack of sea going boats has severely restricted the maritime operations of the Base to the creeks and backwaters. The Base has continued to carry out various operations and raids on cultist, refineries, sea robbers/pirate camps and electoral operations.
  2. NNS JUBILEE’s AOO covers from Longitude 007o13’ East to
    Longitude 008o19’ East, encompassing Akwa Ibom State and parts of Bonny Island in Rivers State. NNS JUBILEE is the mother Ship to both FOB IBAKA and NOP IKURU. It communicates and coordinates operational activities with both tenders in ensuring the protection of national assets and security of waterways in her AOO. Additionally, it ensures the seamless transmission of correspondences between the tenders and HQ ENC. FOB IBAKA is located on Latitude 040 39’N and Longitude 0080 19’E. Its Area of Operations (AOO) extends from Long 0080 to Long 0080 25’E covering the sea approaches to Calabar; from Akpayafe River entrance (the new international maritime boundary between Nigeria and Cameroon) up to the land masses along the banks of the New Calabar, and Qua Iboe in Akwa Ibom State. While NOP IKURU is located at position Lat 040 28/ 49N and Long 0070 30/ 25 E and can be accessed by both land and sea.


  1. Naval Flying Unit (NFU) Port Harcourt (PH) was established on 4 Oct 04 due to the need for Forward Air Operating Base (FOB). The Unit is to provide logistic and Service support for NN helicopters operating within the Eastern Naval Command (ENC) Area of Responsibility (AOR). It is also responsible for the coordination of daily flight operations in accordance with the operational guidelines of the NN. In addition, the Unit ensures that the hangar, ground support equipment and other allied facilities are maintained.
  2. NFU PH is located and operates from a rehabilitated hangar within the 115 Special Operations Group (SOG) Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Base, PH. The hangar provides shelter for NN helicopters on deployment and office spaces for the Unit. It is worth mentioning that the Unit enjoys the services of the NAF 115 SOG in the area of providing fire fighting cover, medical cover, air traffic control and transit accommodation for Unit’s personnel.


  1. The Nigerian Navy Air Arm (NNAA) resumed air operations in 2002 with the acquisition of the AGUSTA 109E helicopters. Subsequently, deployment of aircraft to Warri, Port Harcourt and Calabar areas began in 2003. The NNAA with parent Base at Naval Air Base (NAB) Ojo, Lagos plays a vital role as a force multiplier in the execution of the NN policing roles in the nation’s maritime domain. This is evident in the routine tasking of naval helicopters on detachment to the Niger Delta and Port Harcourt in particular. However, sustaining such air operations for long periods from NAB Ojo posed some limitations to task accomplishment, especially at the wake of increased crude oil theft, illegal oil bunkering and pipeline vandalism in the Niger Delta. Also, the establishment of the Headquarters of Op DELTA SAFE in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, placed an extra demand on naval air assets for the successful conduct of operations. Hence, there was need to establish a Forward Air Operating Base (FOB) which led to the establishment of the Naval Flying Unit (NFU) Port Harcourt (PH) on 4 Oct 04. [/read]

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